Friday, July 3, 2009

From where we left

For me the hardest part has always been to make sense of my life. my existence
As a kid that was the only thing that haunted me. The idea of non identity is where i felt
relaxed though for a short while.
This topic has always been where my well of thoughts seem to dry up pretty quick. And today i found myself sitting in a garden with this question eating me inside out. How do i make sense of it...
The answer was as simple as kicking a plug out. The truth is "I/We do not exist but we experience so there is no need to make sense of it" Just go through it as you would like to do.
Simple mantra followed by Nike "Just Do It" .
And so given by Lord Krishna "It is all in the action,Karma".

And let there be rain...

Saturday, June 27, 2009


A sequence of events can unknowingly reveal abstract ideas. I watched a clip from a movie " Waking lives " The clip was about the longest battle on Earth i.e " Religion Vs Science ".
It putforth ideas supporting both of the worlds and finally left it to the viewer. What stuck is how activation of neurons and chemical reactions define our actions. And how can the argument of supernatural being exist especially controlling our actions "Karma".

Well i believe there is a something more that connects the ends afterall when we travel across opposite lines we are bound to cross. And it is for sure that we should connect both the classical physics and Quantum physics for the reasons obvious. But to maintain the trail of my thought i shall continue to how the principle of duality of particle and wave stands at the root of quantum science. Similarly energy can be transmitted through waves " For non geeks : This is how a micro wave oven works" So why not is it possible to activate neurons through transmitting energy through waves transmitted external to the body. It is and that is the level supernatural being exist. As you see the frequency at which a neuron can resonate is what seprates the above level. This is where i end my trail for now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

M Back

Well has i said in my last post i shall test the theory.
And i am glad that i did so, for the delay explains why theory and practise take sometime to sychronize.
My compilation of results is from various sources: Friends, Enemies, Animals, Birds, Books, Things that they say are dead, Places, Dreams and almost eyerything that i came across was meant to be a part of this. But what really completes my compilation is love.

Friends: They play an important part in my compilation. As to coexist the surrounding plays an important part in my theory similarly so are Friends that play balancing act. They are gimmicks of my life which make it easy to get on when everything crushes you out. Those are truly the one that cherish for what you are and not what you are not. They see what the world misses out. Especially it was them that gave sense to my life and taught me to keep on giving no matter what i get.

I ll keep on adding into it.

For As Andrew says in Shawshank Redemption: Hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.
Thankyou my Friends ;)

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Triple point of Water!!

I wanted to write on this from the day i learned thermodynamics, Its the point when atmospheric conditions are right to make the 3 states (Solid, liquid and Gases) coexist.
There was something about it that always fascinated me after-all common sense says that they cant coexist but somehow nature manages it!!
Over the years the thought stayed on my mind until recently it finally evolved. That is nature's way of telling that we can balance things out with the appropriate conditions given to us.
Body Mind Heart can stick together!!
Its tough to strike those right chords but it can be achieved. In a very controlled way it is possible but what our daily lives which is not less than a roller coaster ride?? I dont know but i want to try. I will get back with the results hang on till that day ;)


Monday, April 13, 2009

Words and Dreams

Words disclose ideas, ideas disclose thoughts, thoughts disclose mind, mind disclose heart and heart disclose the soul, Soul disclose the universe.
Such is the power of words that can work all its way to the root of the universe. Rudimentary and crude they are but primitive is our life too has evolution is an process to end much further then what we are today.
Beyond doubt i believe in my dreams for all seem to be fake in its shadow and everyday seems to be a miracle and honor to be a part of it.

Today was a day to get on with my project for 68000. Beyond the limited establishment of intel processors the motorola counterpart has a neat design.
It was a good experience and real joy to work on it.
My initial project: Design a simple operating system for my hardware i ll shortly put up the photos for the device. Working on the paper design was easy as you always know what you need to do, Its the machine that has no AI.

My other work was to complete the DMA controller using system verilog i hope my basys board can handle it. The work is on and needs to go through testing which is like an earthquake as it shakes my design.
To mention with books for system verilog i preferred 'Hardware verification using system verilog by Mike Mintz' but to get started Spear's book does a splendid job.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Romans or Caesar !!

I have always heard this piece of advice "In Rome be like Romans" and you ll sail through a rough patch or a situation. But aint that another way of putting be coward.
What about rephrasing it " In Rome be like Caesar" you can come up with an argument that the former was framed to be smart choice. I don't agree after all what can be smarter than the caesar.
;) Hail the Caesar !!

Hanging on to today my life as seen more downs then ups, but surprisingly we all sail in the same boat. (exceptions exist to even theory of relativity) So this blog i dedicate to my thoughts which are more menacing then paparazzi's on your track. and at times helps me realize the sweet sublime untouched horizons of my existence. Overall to end the note.. I salute life! for it showed me how every breath can be a mystery but also respect death cos it breeds creation.

On this blog you wont get to read he said! she said!.