Thursday, April 16, 2009

Triple point of Water!!

I wanted to write on this from the day i learned thermodynamics, Its the point when atmospheric conditions are right to make the 3 states (Solid, liquid and Gases) coexist.
There was something about it that always fascinated me after-all common sense says that they cant coexist but somehow nature manages it!!
Over the years the thought stayed on my mind until recently it finally evolved. That is nature's way of telling that we can balance things out with the appropriate conditions given to us.
Body Mind Heart can stick together!!
Its tough to strike those right chords but it can be achieved. In a very controlled way it is possible but what our daily lives which is not less than a roller coaster ride?? I dont know but i want to try. I will get back with the results hang on till that day ;)



  1. Thermodynamics is a very interesting subject! I regret not having ventured into science when I had the opportunity to do so!

  2. On a second thought, Rakesh, its good you dint venture into Thermodynamics.. It is so interesting that I was stuck with it 6 times and had to drop a year in Engg coz I never cleared it.
    I have cleared it now..

    Achilles- out of all subjects... why in the world did you wanna get thermo into this discussion? That is not cool.
