Sunday, April 12, 2009

Romans or Caesar !!

I have always heard this piece of advice "In Rome be like Romans" and you ll sail through a rough patch or a situation. But aint that another way of putting be coward.
What about rephrasing it " In Rome be like Caesar" you can come up with an argument that the former was framed to be smart choice. I don't agree after all what can be smarter than the caesar.
;) Hail the Caesar !!

Hanging on to today my life as seen more downs then ups, but surprisingly we all sail in the same boat. (exceptions exist to even theory of relativity) So this blog i dedicate to my thoughts which are more menacing then paparazzi's on your track. and at times helps me realize the sweet sublime untouched horizons of my existence. Overall to end the note.. I salute life! for it showed me how every breath can be a mystery but also respect death cos it breeds creation.

On this blog you wont get to read he said! she said!.


  1. Nice to see a blog from you. As i was missing reading things written by you :)

  2. So finally,

    We write together, We Die together!

    Bad Boys for Life!

